Omega Race Recommended For Use With Coleco's ROLLER CONTROLLER * For one or two players * Select from four skill levels * Two exciting games, including HEAD-TO-HEAD OMEGA RACE Command a starship in airless space in battle against an alien Droid Force. In HEAD-TO-HEAD OMEGA RACE, battle directly against a friend! Plays like the OMEGA RACE arcade game! GAME DESCRIPTIONS OMEGA RACE (One or Two Players--Alternating) In Coleco's OMEGA RACE, command a starship in the weightlessness of a deep-space training field. Bounce off barriers to pilot your Omega fighter in skirmishes against the Droid forces. Fire laser blasts at the enemy while evading return fire from the fleet-leader. If you eliminate the first fleet, others follow. But if you take too long, the Droids become Death Ships that track and blast at your fighter and drop mines as additional hazards! HEAD-TO-HEAD OMEGA RACE (Two Players) This game has the same fast-action fun as regular OMEGA RACE. But in this one-on-one version, you compete against a friend! Each player takes charge of an Omega fighter. Try to eliminate your opponent's fighter, while avoiding dangerous Droids. Watch out for Death Ships and explosive mines! Will you or will your opponent emerge the victor? In one-player and alternating two-player games, Coleco's arcade-style ROLLER CONTROLLER allows you to maneuver your Omega fighter with incredible precision. The faster you spin the roller, the faster your fighter rotates! The quick response Action Buttons give astounding accuracy to your aim! NOTE Use your ColecoVision controllers for playing HEAD-TO-HEAD OMEGA RACE. See page 5 for use of controls. GETTING READY TO PLAY ALWAYS MAKE SURE COLECOVISION UNIT IS OFF BEFORE INSERTING OR REMOVING A CARTRIDGE. One-Player Game Use your ROLLER CONTROLLER or your ColecoVision hand controllers. See page 4 for use of controls. Two-Player Game (Alternating Players) Use ROLLER CONTROLLER or your ColecoVision controllers. With ColecoVision controllers, Player 1 uses the controller plugged into Port 1. Player 2 uses the controller plugged into Port 2. Players take turns. Player 1 goes first, and each turn lasts until the player's fighter is eliminated. See page 4 for use of controls. Choose your challenge. Press the Reset Button and the Title Screen appears on your TV. Wait for the first Game Option screen to appear. It contains a list of game options, numbered 1-8 and *. The * key selects the HEAD-TO-HEAD OMEGA RACE game. Skill 1 is the easiest, suitable for play by beginners. Skill 2 action is a little harder. Enemies are more dangerous than those in Skill 1. Skill 3 plays at the difficulty and timing of a professional arcade machine. Skill 4 is tougher challenge than an arcade machine. Select a Skill Option by pressing a number or symbol button on either controller keypad. Play Option Selection After you've selected the number of players and a Skill Option, the Play Option screen appears. It contains play options numbered 1-3: 1 = Fast Bounce 2 = Tunnel 3 = Astro Gates See Page 6 for a description of the Play Options. Make your choices by pressing the number buttons on either controller keypad. An arrow marks your choices. Pressing a button a second time cancels a choice. You can choose to play with none, some or even all of the options. Each combination of options gives you an altogether different game! After you've made your choices, press # to start your game. Press * to play a standard game with no options. USING YOUR CONTROLS OMEGA RACE (One or Two Players--Alternating) 1. To use ROLLER CONTROLLER, attach it as explained in its owner's manual, then follow the instructions listed below. 2. To use your ColecoVision controllers with the ROLLER CONTROLLER unit attached, slide the Mode Switch to "JOYSTICK" mode. 3. To use your ColecoVision controllers without using the ROLLER CONTROLLER unit, detach ROLLER CONTROLLER. Plug the ColecoVision controllers into Ports 1 and 2 of the ColecoVision game console. HEAD-TO-HEAD OMEGA RACE Use your ColecoVision controllers only. 1. To use your ColecoVision controllers without using the ROLLER CONTROLLER unit, detach ROLLER CONTROLLER. Plug the ColecoVision controllers into Ports 1 and 2 of the ColecoVision game console. 2. To use your ColecoVision controllers with the ROLLER CONTROLLER unit attached, slide the Mode Switch to "ROLLER" mode. Keypads: Keypad Buttons 1-8 and * on the ColecoVision controller allow you to select Game Options before beginning to play. Press * after a game to replay the Game Options you have just played. Press # after a game to return to the Game Option screens to choose another challenge. Press * during a game to Pause. ROLLER CONTROLLER Roller Ball: For one-player and alternating two-player games, spin the Roller Ball on the ROLLER CONTROLLER to the right to rotate your fighter clockwise. Spin the Roller Ball to the left to rotate your fighter counterclockwise. Spinning the ball straight up or down has no effect on fighter rotation. COLECOVISION CONTROLLER Control Stick: Press the Control Stick to the left to rotate your Omega fighter counterclockwise. Press the Control Stick to the right to rotate your fighter clockwise. Pressing the Control Stick up or down has no effect. ROLLER CONTROLLER Action Buttons: THRUST: Press the left top or right bottom Action Button to thrust your fighter in the direction it faces. FIRE: Press the left bottom or right top Action Button to fire a laser blast. Press this Action Button repeatedly to fire up to three laser blasts at a time. COLECOVISION CONTROLLER Side Buttons THRUST: Press the left Side Button to thrust your Omega fighter in the direction it faces. FIRE: Press the right Side Button to fire a laser blast. Press and release the right Side Button continuously to fire up to three laser blasts at a time. HOW TO PLAY OMEGA RACE (One or Two Players--Alternating) In two-player games, players take turns. Player 1 goes first, and each turn lasts until the player's fighter is eliminated. Choosing Your Play Options Tunnels and Astro Gates--a tricky escape. If you've chosen the Tunnel or Astro Gate option, use it to escape enemy fire or to sneak up for a surprise attack! The tunnel opens up a path in the center barrier from top to bottom. The astro gate is a teleportation device that can instantly transport you from the top to the bottom or from the bottom to the top of the screen. Watch out--bullets can travel through astro gates, too! Fast Bounce--Spring into the action! If you've chosen the Fast Bounce option, your fighter increases speed each time it collides with the walls, up to its maximum speed. Learn how to bounce to the right spot for a successful evasion of enemy fire! Game Start: Vaporize the first fleet! Your fighter appears in one of the screen's upper corners. The Droid fleet, led by the Command Ship, appears below the central barrier. Pilot your Omega fighter around the barrier and attack the fleet. At the drop of a mine. In games played at Skills 2-4, the longer you take to clear the training field of Droid ships, the more awesome they become as enemies. First, one or two Droids transform into Command Ships and travel around the play field. Then, if you take even longer, one of the Command Ships bursts into a Death ship, creating Vapor and Photon mines and firing rapidly as it tracks your fighter. The Force is against you. Each time your Omega fighter clears the training field of opponents, another deadly fleet appears. Eliminate four Droid fleets to conquer the first Droid Force. But the enemy keeps coming. so brace yourself! Beware the new enemy Droid ships in the second and third Forces! Down to the Finish. The game ends when all your Omega fighters have been eliminated. (In all games, watch for the Best Score Indicator. It shows the highest score earned since power was turned on.) Special Pause Feature. Press * during a game to pause. Press * again to go back to the game at the point you stopped it. There is a brief delay for you to size up the situation before play begins again. Starting Over. Press * to replay the OMEGA RACE Game Options you have just played. Press # to go back to the Game Option screens. Reset The Reset Button on the console stops the game and returns you to the Title Screen. It also erases the Best Score from game memory. The Reset Button can be used to start a new game at any time, and can also be used in the event of game malfunction. SCORING You score points each time you eliminate an enemy: ENEMY POINTS ELIMINATED SCORED Photon Mine.................350 Vapor Mine .................500 Droid ship.................1000 Command Ship ..............1500 Death Ship.................2500 Droid Force (four fleets) .5000 Each player receives five Omega fighters per game to start. You earn one bonus fighter when your score reaches 40,000 points, another fighter at 150,000 and a third at 250,000 points. HOW TO PLAY HEAD-TO-HEAD OMEGA RACE (2 Players Only) Use your ColecoVision controllers for HEAD-TO-HEAD OMEGA RACE. See page 5 for use of controls. Player 1 uses the left controller (if plugged into ROLLER CONTROLLER) or the controller plugged into Port 1 of the ColecoVision console. Player 2 uses the right controller (if plugged into ROLLER CONTROLLER) or the controller plugged into Port 2 of the ColecoVision console. Players play simultaneously. Starting up. Press the Reset Button and the Title screen appears on your TV. Wait for the first Game Option screen. When it appears, press * for HEAD-TO-HEAD OMEGA RACE. A second option screen appears. It contains game play options numbered 1-5: 1 = Tunnel 3 = Fast Bounce 5 = Long Game 2 = Astro Gates 4 = Reflective Walls See Page 11 for a description of the Play Options. Make your choices by pressing the number buttons on either controller keypad. An arrow marks your choices. Pressing a button a second time cancels a choice. You can choose to play with none, some or even all of the features. Each combination of options gives you an altogether different game! After you've made your choices, press # to start your game. A head-to-head challenge. Each player has an Omega fighter. The Player 1 fighter is red; the Player 2 fighter is green. Choosing Your Options Tunnels, Astro Gates and Fast Bounce play the same as in regular OMEGA RACE. Reflective Walls--on the rebound. If you've chosen the Reflective Walls option, laser blasts that strike the walls can ricochet. Aim your blasts at an angle to meet their target, while you remain protected around a corner! Long Game--time to win, time to lose. You have an unlimited supply of fighters. But you don't have an unlimited amount of time in which to earn points, If you've chosen the Long Game option, you have a total of four minutes to complete your game. Otherwise, your head-to-head battle is over when the two-minute Timer runs out. The player with the higher score wins. Game Start: Some's the same. You and your opponent control your own fighters just as in regular OMEGA RACE. This time you must face not only enemies and hazards, like Death Ships, Droids and mines (just as in regular OMEGA RACE), but also each other! Two's a crowd. Your mission is to rid the space arena of your opponent. Maneuver your fighter and fire away. You can eliminate your opponent as well as Death Ships and mines, but your otherwise deadly blasts have no effect on the enemy Droid fleet. Be careful not to crash into either them or your opponent, or they will eliminate you! Each time a fighter is eliminated, it explodes. New fighters for both players appear in their starting positions. The game then resumes. Special Pause Feature Press * during a game to pause. Press * again to go back to the game at the point you stopped it. There is a brief delay for you to size up the situation before play begins again. Starting over. Press * to replay the OMEGA RACE Game Option you have just played. Press # to go back to the Game Option screens to choose a new challenge. Reset The Reset Button on the console stops the game and returns you to the Title Screen. It also erases the Best Score from game memory. The Reset Button can be used to start a new game at any time, and can also be used in the event of game malfunction. SCORING (HEAD-TO-HEAD) You score points each time you eliminate an enemy. ENEMY POINTS ELIMINATED SCORED Photon Mine..................350 Vapor Mine...................500 Opponent ' s Fighter ........500 Death Ship..................1000 Droid ship .............No score Each player receives an unlimited supply of fighters.